Vice President’s Message

From The Vice President's Desk!

"Duty is the power that rises up in the morning and goes to rest with us at night"

It is very is only the sense of duty that leads you towards your goal. Dutifulness makes the way easier, one can cross all the obstacles and emerge as a winner. Outside factors are also responsible to bring your success but the "x" factor is within you can become a perfect human being.

I want to say to all the students, if they understand the importance of duty they can win half of the battle. By doing well the duty which is nearest to them, the duty which is in their hands now, they can make themselves stronger and improve their strength step by step. They may reach a state in which it shall be their privilege to do the most coveted and honoured duties in life and in society.

Every duty is holy and devotion to the duty is the highest form of the worship of God, it is certainly a source of great help in enlightenment. Devotion towards duty will give the power to attract all that is positive and good into life.

I wish every success to each and every member of Durgaprasad family.


Mr. Siddhartha Dubey - Vice President DPVN School

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